An Emerging Opportunity: Multi-Level Marketing in Indonesia

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In the flourishing economic landscape of Indonesia, opportunities for global businesses abound, one such opportunity being Multi-Level Marketing (MLM). An exciting, tiered approach to selling goods, MLM encourages organic growth and rewards participants based on their performance. For Foreign Investment Companies (PMA), venturing into MLM presents an attractive proposition.

The Key to MLM in Indonesia: Understanding Regulatory Landscape

In contrast to single-level marketing, MLM operates on a network of Direct Sellers who work on commissions and bonuses, developing a self-expanding business model. Before launching into the MLM space, it’s essential for PMAs to understand the implications of Government Regulation No. 29/2021. We can guide you through this process. This regulation distinctly separates Direct Selling businesses, including MLM, from the conventional retail and wholesale trading sector.

Fostering Local Interest: Special Requirements for PMAs

Certain requirements must be fulfilled for PMAs aiming to capitalize on the MLM business model in Indonesia. An initial investment and paid-up capital of more than IDR 10 billion is necessary. Consult with us to understand this requirement. Also, to ensure local representation, the appointment of at least one Indonesian citizen to the Board of Directors and Board of Commissioners is required.

Securing a Direct Sales Business License (SIUPL): The Crucial Steps

Operating an MLM business in Indonesia involves obtaining a Direct Sales Business License (SIUPL). Our consultation services can guide you through the process. To secure this license, several critical criteria must be met including exclusive distribution rights of directly traded goods, a detailed marketing plan, and a Code of Ethics.

Get expert guidance with us. Additionally, recruiting Direct Sellers, individuals and not companies, and selling goods directly to consumers through a developed network, are integral to the MLM model.

Avoid the Pitfalls with Permitindo

Navigating the complexities of MLM regulations can be challenging, but with our professional guidance, we can simplify the process. Permitindo offers professional guidance to help PMAs understand and meet all necessary requirements and commitments in the MLM industry. We understand that every business has unique needs, and we offer a deep understanding of the MLM sector to help ensure your success.

Don’t allow the complexities of regulatory compliance to inhibit your growth in the thriving Indonesian market. For further information, fill out this form below or email us directly at With Permitindo by your side, your successful venture into MLM in Indonesia could be just a consultation away. With our expert advice, we can help you transform regulatory challenges into opportunities for growth and success.