The Importance of Regulatory Compliance for Foreign Companies in Indonesia

Indonesia’s dynamic business landscape offers vast opportunities, but it also demands a deep understanding of regulatory compliance. From corporate establishment to environmental regulations, this article provides a comprehensive overview of the key compliance requirements for foreign companies in Indonesia. Stay informed and navigate the complexities of the Indonesian market with confidence.


Foreign Investors’ Guide to the Omnibus Law 2021

The Indonesian president signed the Omnibus Law on Job Creation on the 2nd of November, 2020. In essence, the law aims to alter several government regulations, as well as to enhance the nation’s economy by increasing competitiveness, creating jobs, and making running business in Indonesia easier.


Setup a Restaurant in Bali

The restaurant industry is one of the most profitable businesses in Indonesia. It managed to grow by 3% in 2020 despite COVID-19. This article will provide you with all the details of setting up a restaurant in Indonesia.
